Saturday, April 3, 2010

About Discussion on April 3rd (Taiwan Time)

Dear all,

For some unknown reason, the discussion on April 3rd (Taiwan time) did not go on as usual. James did not show up. I was online for the whole two hours and did not see James. I guess you might forget the session or be feeling sick or something like that. As Maria mentioned earlier that she needed to help her friend and thus cannot attend the session this time and as James did not show up, the discussion thus is cancelled this time.

Please let me know any of you can attend the session next time (April 10th, Taiwan time). Also, Maria, if you can attend next time, please let me know if you can be the host or not (since you prepare the articles weeks ago and we haven't discussed it.) If you can't make it time, I can still be the host as well, as I also prepared the materials earlier.

Happy Weekends :)



  1. Angela,

    I'm really sorry about that. I've sent an off-line message to you via Skepe an hour before our discussion time, but it seems that you didn't receive it.

    I do get sick and have a throat ache. After taking medicine, I feel terribly sleepy, and can't wait for the disccusion time. So I leave a message to you. I need to apologize for my carelessness. I should also leave message here. But to be honest, taking medicine really make someone stupid.

    I've finished reading the assigned articles on Google TV ads before my sickness, and I'm really interested in this topic. What makes me curious is how Google benefits from this service(it also let me to think of other services that Google provide, such as gmail, calender and blog). Hope we still have time to talk about this.


  2. Hey James,

    It's ok! Don't worry about the absence! I think there might be some problem with my skype or connection so that I did not see the off-line message. My bad as well. I'm really hoping that you will get better soon :)

    Sure we will have time talking about Google TV Ads article. Don't worry about it either. It's either this coming Saturday or next one :)

    All the Best,

  3. As for me, so far there's no news from my friend if she needs me for the following weekend. I will post a comment if I can't make it. And since Angela's topic is earlier than mine, I think we talk about Google ad. first ^.^

    As for Skype's off-line message, it's suck. Both users need to be online to see the message. Sometimes even if the users are online, you might receive the message days later. Or you'll see the other user's status is "offline". So better use this Blog to leave messages ^.^

    Happy Easter! ^.^

  4. Thanks for you guys' kindness. I'm still sick, even sneezing with blood. Hope I can feel better soon so that I can talk to you this Sat.

