Saturday, July 31, 2010

Article for Next Discussion (just in case)

Hi Maria and James,

In case we don't have articles for next discussion, here's one I found interesting, from Newsweek:

The Dirtiest Man in China: The success of cross-dressing comedian Little Shenyang shows that sexual humor is coming out of the closet. Is China ready for raunch?

If James can make it and be the host next week, then let's use the article he finds later. We can always use this one later on :)


Monday, July 26, 2010

Article for July 31st Discussion

Dear all,

I enjoyed last week's discussion where not only ufology but also religions, cultures, and issues of right to know are addressed. Thanks James for having the interesting article!

This week we are going to talk about issues of the conflict between mother tongue and English. Though the case the author addressed is happening in Indonesia, I think we may reflect what happens there to what may happen / has happened in Taiwan. As Maria is from Indonesia, it would help us better understand the situation if Maria can provide her personal experiences and perspectives. However, Maria can't make it on July 31st. That's ok. We still have alternatives. If possible, Maria you can leave you comments regarding the article below on this blog, or you can share your perspectives with us the week after.

Sorry Maria I did not intend to put you on the spotlight, hope you dont mind :P

So here's the article we are going to discuss on July 31st (Taiwan time):

As English Spreads, Indonesians Fear for Their Language

Talk to you soon :)


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An article for 7/24 discussion

Hi there,

Last week we had a great time talking our visible friends, pets, and I would like turn our focus to the "visible/invisible" friends for 7/24 discussion. UFO!!! Here is an interesting but a little bit long article regarding to UFO and science.

Science, Secrecy, and Ufology

Hope you enjoy the space travel.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Articles for July 10th Discussion

Hi Maria hi James,

Hope you have a nice weekend! In the coming discussion we're going to talk about bureaucracy, specifically international bureaucracy. We may start our discussion by sharing some bureaucratic phenomenon we encountered and talking a little bit about the G20/G8 Summit held in Toronto during June 25 - 27. Here are some articles we can take a look:

  1. Secretariat Work: Bureaucracies grow faster than they can be pruned (on international bureaucracies, from The Economist magazine)
  2. some more explanations on bureaucracy can be found here.
  3. To quickly gain some ideas about G20 / G8 Summit in Toronto, see this summary report.
  4. you can find more topical articles on G20 / G8 Summit here, from CBC website. 
For James' information, Maria will have a class to attend on this Saturday, thus she won't be with us then. She will be back the week after and host the discussion on pet again. 

Guess that's pretty much it so far. Have a good one :)
