Sunday, July 4, 2010

Articles for July 10th Discussion

Hi Maria hi James,

Hope you have a nice weekend! In the coming discussion we're going to talk about bureaucracy, specifically international bureaucracy. We may start our discussion by sharing some bureaucratic phenomenon we encountered and talking a little bit about the G20/G8 Summit held in Toronto during June 25 - 27. Here are some articles we can take a look:

  1. Secretariat Work: Bureaucracies grow faster than they can be pruned (on international bureaucracies, from The Economist magazine)
  2. some more explanations on bureaucracy can be found here.
  3. To quickly gain some ideas about G20 / G8 Summit in Toronto, see this summary report.
  4. you can find more topical articles on G20 / G8 Summit here, from CBC website. 
For James' information, Maria will have a class to attend on this Saturday, thus she won't be with us then. She will be back the week after and host the discussion on pet again. 

Guess that's pretty much it so far. Have a good one :)


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