Thursday, November 18, 2010

Article on Housewife

Hey all,

i hope you are doing well. This article is an interesting one, check it out.

Happy Housewives: Women like Sarah Palin are calling themselves "housewives." What does the term mean? By Jessica Grose




  1. Hi Angela!
    what an interesting article, thanks!
    Today is a very rare dry day in yilan and we decided to make the most of it, before the next rain pour down. I'm afraid I can't tell if I manage to come back by 1300 or not, so I think I better apply on leave in advance.

    hope you have a better weather there ^.^


  2. Hi Maria,

    Sorry I can't make it this time (Nov. 27, Taiwan time). I have to prepare the curriculum and teaching material for tomorrow's Mandarin lesson.

    Btw, regarding the weather stuff, actually this week (starting from last Thursday) Vancouver has had its snow for a while. I guess sunshine might be away for a little while lOl

    Hope to talk to you next week :)


  3. It's okay ... but I will go to Taipei for weekend next week.
    So I guess we talk at Dec 11st then.

    You are a Mandarin teacher? Nice! I hope your students are those who really want to learn, not just forced by parents (like when I was young and I only made chaos at my class to show the teacher how I hated Mandarin ... shame on me)^.^


  4. Haha ok let's talk on Dec. 11th. Do have fun with your trip to Taipei this weekend :)

    I just start teaching Mandarin a few month ago, really a rookie I guess. It's a small class, with only 8 pre-schoolers, 4 boys and 4 girls. Girls are like angels, always listening to me, and boys sometimes act like monkeys lOl

    I think overall they want to learn, to some extent, though I guess some of them are also pushed by their parents. Yet I don't think parents here will put more pressure on kids than parents may do in Asian countries. That won't work here haha.

    Talk to you soon!

